Happy Holidays!
I'm writing to you on the eve of my first international trip and bear exciting news: Fragments Volume One is complete.
This project — made possible by the wonderful poets who chose to participate — is very near and dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy these poems and their lyrical webs as much as I do.
You can also visit my website for more information about the project. If all goes as planned, Volume Two will be published sometime next year (so stay tuned for updates about that!).
If you have questions, comments, or ideas about Fragments, please reach out. You can leave a comment on this post or contact me via email at laf.tobias@gmail.com.
Have a joyful start to the year — see you in January!
P.S. While I didn't submit a poem to Volume One, I wanted to try my hand at the work I asked of others. Here's what I came up with: I Become a Muse If you don’t know where to begin, start — everybody’s gotta live! It’s all in the natural order. If you forget this, consider that there must be translucent coins of light to measure the wealth of the world. Consider that there must be an incantation of swans somewhere in Middle America. Consider that there must be, through the back window, a white petal diminished. I count your steps (an incantation) — oh to see without my eyes your body in the dim living room light. You might’ve thought I would tell you I love you this morning. I will tell you, after a brief levitation, of the way we will hold each other, blissful and stupid despite it.
Lily, thanks so much for sharing this project. From the moment Kortney mentioned it, I could not wait to see the results. Fascinating.
Playing around with these fragments was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon (and a few following evenings, I can’t commit to anything without letting it sit for a bit!). Thank you so much for the opportunity!